Now I am not saying that God doesn't have in mind what he will do through us or how many people will be born again through our faithful and diligent efforts in Him. I am not saying he can't add to our numbers, even thousands in a day (See Acts 2:41). He can and does. I'm not against being aware of what God will do in advance, in a given period of time. Sometimes he makes us aware of the facts ahead of time. But what was happening in this particular meeting seemed different to me. We were just following a curriculum laid out for us by a best selling author and it seemed a little logical, a little carnal.
My wife and I, just sitting in the back of the room quietly, not saying a word, just sat there listening to others throw out random numbers of how many people we wanted to see "born again" through our evangelistic efforts over the next 40 days. One person said "100". Another said "200." After a few people spoke up I think the group settled on "200" people coming into the kingdom of God. So now we have a number. Now the next thing on the meetings agenda was to decide how many people we were going to see receive the water baptism. Almost immediately a consensus came into the room that we were going to settle on the number of water baptisms at 100. That was half of the original number of confessions of faith as described in Romans 10:9,10. At this point, I was not able to sit still anymore. Something just blurted out of my mouth. Call me immature at the time. Call me quick on the draw, not thinking about what I was going to say or what would and should be appropriate in a setting like this. Personally, I wonder if God pushed me over the cliff. I looked at the group and said, "Wait a minute. If you are only expecting half of the people that confess faith in Christ to be water baptized then what you are saying is that you are expecting some very shallow conversions here."
GULP! You could have heard a pin drop in the room. About 5 seconds later, one of the pastors of the church who just happened to be sitting directly behind me in the meeting, broke the silence and said, "Jay, we are getting into issues of doctrine here." ........The way he said it indicated, at least to me, that the doctrine of water baptism was a disputable matter and that maybe I should just sit there and be quiet. I responded by saying the following: "Well, if we are going to set numbers maybe we should just go home and pray about it and come back together and set numbers if we are going to do so. Maybe we should ask God what he wants to do here. It has worked for countless others before us......" All of the sudden the room exploded with people voicing their opinions. One guy sitting behind me, someone who is now in full time evangelistic ministry all over the United States, proceeded to tell me that after he was born again he had been in church night and day for several years before he was water baptized. OK. But my question was, "Is that God's will?"
Finally someone in leadership looked at me and said, "Jay, this is a church. We make decisions as a group here. What we need to all do is go home and pray about this and come back next time with what we feel God wants us to do."............I looked at my wife, with a perplexed and confused look on my face and said, "Didn't I just say that?"......
After I left the meeting with my wife and got my wits about me, part of me started thinking about all the things I wished I would have said instead of just sitting there and not saying more. And I couldn't believe that so many in the meeting seemed so flippant about water baptism. It stunned me. It was like the attitude of some people was...."It's important, but not really that important." I left the meeting and went right into a deep-dive of sorts into a study on the issue. Let me share with you what I started to see. It's very, very important. Keep reading.
In the old testament, as it pertains to the prophetic writings from Isaiah through Malachi, historians have typically divided prophets into two groups: Major Prophets and Minor Prophets. Those that were considered to be major prophets were Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah and Daniel. All the others from Hosea to Malachi were considered to be minor prophets. The reason for the divison was simple: the length of their writings. Isaiah has 66 chapters, Jeremiah (including Lamentations) has 57, Ezekial has 48, Daniel has 12. Why Hosea didn't get credit I don't know. He has 14 chapters. Maybe I misread something somewhere. Maybe he is considered a major prophet. All the others have 12 chapters of content or less. Obadiah only has one chapter.
Let me tell you who my major prophets are: Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah and Hosea. And I'll tell you why. It has nothing to do with the amount of content in their writings, nothing with the length of the books. It has to do with something else, something that can only be found in one verse, something that relates to water baptism in the New Covenant that we have in Christ. In Hosea 12:10 it says the following:
" I have also spoken by the prophets, and I have multiplied visions, and used similitudes, by the ministry of the prophets." (King James Version)
This verse implies that there are different ways in which the Lord might speak through a prophet: visions, words spoken into the ear, and some circumstance that is "lived out" in their physical lives. That physical circumstance is referred to here as a similitude. What this word similitude means is that in the life of the prophet, there was something happening to them physically and/or circumstantially that was meant to be interpreted as a prophetic message to the people. The circumstances of their lives becames similitudes... that is to say "similar" to the message God was attempting to convey. The more God uses a man prophetically, the more he finds himself not just hearing and speaking audible words, not just having dreams and visions, but actually experiencing physical circumstances that were intended to be a message to others around him. The Big Four as I call them were operating in God on a level and for a length of time that involved them in levels of prophecy beyond the minor prophets. They were big-time prophetic operators.
For Isaiah the similitude can be found in Isaiah chapter 20. Here we see that the prophet was commanded to strip down to his underwear and walk around for three years almost completely naked and barefoot as a sign and portent to Egypt and Cush that their people would be led away by the Assyrians stripped and barefoot. For Ezekiel, in chapter 12 we see the prophet carry out a physical act that symbolized Judah's coming Exile. In Ezekiel 24 we see the coming destruction of the temple and the grief that would follow symbolized by the death of the prophets' wife. In Jeremiah 13 we see the prophet buy a Linen Belt, wear it, take it off and bury it in dirt and later unearth it, finding it completely useless...all symbolizing the fact that the Lord had once bound Judah and all of Israel to himself but that now, he would take them off like a belt and ruin their pride and make them completely useless to him. In Jeremiah 32 we see the prophet buy a field while Jerusalem is under seige. This symbolized that, in spite of Jerusalems impending destruction, that houses, fields and vineyards would one day again be bought and sold in the land. In Jeremiah 38 we see the prophet thrown into a broken cistern. The faulty cistern physically symbolized Jerusalem's inability to contain and preserve the word of the Lord as symbolized by the prophet himself. In Hosea chapter 1 we see the prophet, by the Lord's instruction, marrying an unfaithful woman and giving their offspring names that symbolized the coming judgment on the house of Jehu and the removal of the Lord's love from the house of Israel. In Hosea 3 we see the coming reconciliation of the house of Israel in the last days symbolized through the prophets reconciliation with an unfaithful Gomer.
Does this make sense? The length and depth of their prophetic ministries naturally bred an occurence of events and circumstances that in and of themselves became prophetic. So what does this have to do with the body of Christ? Glad you asked.
Ladies and Gentlemen....the testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy (Rev 19:10). In him we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28). We are living epistles, living testimonies of his righteousnes as we obey him. We are called to live prophetic lives, testifying of what he is saying, has said, and will do in days to come. We are spirit, soul and body (1 Thess 5:23) and in him, by the Spirit, led of the Spirit, we are prophetic in both word and deed (Col 3:17). Our very nature, our very existence in him, as we obey him, speaks prophetically both to non-believers and believers....whether we realize it at the moment or not. We are called to be a prophetic foretell the mind of the Lord by what we say and do. This is our duty in Him. This is who we are. This is what we are called to be.
The water baptism is symbolic. It is a prophetic act. It is a foretelling of both things happening now and in days to come in our lives. The water symbolizes the word of the Lord. The word "law" in Hebrew is Torah. Torah comes from the Hebrew word Yarah. The word Yarah means to flow as water, to teach, to point in a certain direction with your finger. Ever heard of this scripture?....
"...your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, 'This is the way; walk in it.'" Isaiah 30:21
The Greek word for God's present tense voice in the new testament is Rhema. It comes from the Greek word Rheo which means river. Coincidence? Not hardly.
The water is a symbol of the word of the Lord as he speaks it to us now and in the future. It symbolizes the sweeping process of his word over every part of us and every part of our lives. When a man or woman is water baptized is signifies the "process" and ensuing circumstances by which they now find themselves obeying his voice which is ultimately symbolized by water (Torah~Yarah / Rhema~Rheo.)
"His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters." (Revelation 1:15)
We once walked in our own ways. But now we are drenched with the dew of heaven.......leading us to repentance.......
"My doctrine shall drop as the rain, and my speech shall distill as the dew." Deuteronomy 32:2
....repenting from a life of self, emerging into the newness of life by the Spirit. It is a symbolic act of what is happening spiritually to us....spirit, soul and body. We have now left our own ways. We now hear his voice. And we will hear more from him. We have buried our old selves in baptism and have emerged into a new life in the Spirit. Every man dies twice. Because we have experienced death in this life in Christ Jesus, the second death will have no power over us as/if we continue to abide in the Vine (Revelation 20:6).
Now for the rest of the story. I told you about the meeting at the church. As the story goes, my wife and I show up at the church the following Sunday. The service gets going....the preacher stands up to preach. He looks at the congregation and says, "Today I am going to teach on water baptism. I haven't taught on this in the 8 years I have been here so today I am going to teach on it." I looked at my wife. She looked at me. Eight years and no preaching on water baptism.......and guess what happens????
Alot of people responded to the message. The lady who was in charge of setting up some of the logistics for the water baptisms at this church approached my wife sometime that week and asked her to be available the following Sunday to help with the baptisms as they had never had that many people want to be water baptized in one week. WOW! As a good friend of mine told me after all this happened, "Jay, you get what you preach. If water baptism is the next step, just preach on it. People will respond."
Matthew 3:6 "Confessing their sins, they were baptized by him in the Jordan River."
Acts 2:37,38,41 "When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, 'Brothers, what shall we do?' Peter replied, 'Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.'....Those who accepted his message were baptized. And about three thousand were added to their number that day.'"
Did you notice that? Everyone who accepted Peter's message was baptized. Everyone. Everyone. Not half the people. Not 1,500 people out of 3,000. Not 100 out of 200. Everyone. Everyone.
Eventually we are going to have to disciple someone, be it our children, other adults, teeangers in the youth program.....someone......your next door neighbor. We need to understand how God feels about this baptism and give EMPHASIS to it. I will openly confess, there was a time when I did not emphasize it. I led my wife to the Lord and some time later the Lord convicted her to be water baptized. I freely admit I did not emphasize it like I should have when I started discipling her. She was not the only one I discipled that I made this mistake with. I grew into this doctrine as I am sure the brothers I mentioned previously did as well. I did not intend to be critical of them in telling the story as it actually happened. I love those men and their families and I support Christ's gifting and calling on them. In my past immaturity I have missed things. I still do at times. I am striving not to. But God still used my wife and I as a lightening rod to spur change and spur Emphasis on the subject. I hope this spurs you as well.....if in fact you needed it. If not, go spur someone unto a prophetic act. We are a prophetic people. We are called to participate in the similitude of water baptizm. It is commanded of us. Be baptized, every one of you. Be baptized.
Blessings from Merida