"Study (spoudazo) to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV)Personally, I like to do research. I like to take the time to study out areas of interest and in turn take my findings and present all the facts to others. Others have told me, my wife included, that I should have been an attorney. From what I have heard from past friends that have been to law school I am not sure I would have survived the humiliation of law school alone. But I do like to search things out. As believers we need to be diligent to search out truth, do some basic reading and know the real facts. With that said, there is a passage of scripture that has at times baffled me. It is the following.
"As Jesus went on from there, two blind men followed him, calling out, 'Have mercy on us, Son of David!' When he had gone indoors, the blind men came to him, and he asked them, 'Do you believe that I am able to do this?' 'Yes, Lord,' they replied. Then he touched their eyes and said, 'According to your faith will it be done to you,' and their sight was restored. Matthew 9:27-30Do you see what just happened? Two things occurred. One, Jesus healed two blind men. That fact is obvious. He did stuff like that all the time. But more importantly, he made two blind guys pursue him prior to their deliverance. He made them exhibit spoudazo. He made them study to show themselves approved prior to their breakthrough. He made them exhibit diligence, he made them labour, he made them make an effort. He made two blind guys chase him down the street, locate the house where he entered, weave their way through the crowd outside, then inside they had to find their way to him and then make their request. He made them pursue him before he did anything for them. He made them look for him and search for him like gold and silver. This is why the scriptures say the following?
"Without faith it is impossible to please God....he rewards those who earnestly seek him." Hebrews 11:6
"And if you call out (qara) for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God." Proverbs 2:3-5These scriptures are speaking of seeking truth in earnest. In the passage in Proverbs the writer uses the Hebrew word qara for "call out" (NIV) or "criest" in the KJV. Qara is better defined in a word picture. It means one person being accosted by another or one person begging another for something. Do you remember the story of Jairus, the synagogue ruler who's daughter died and was later raised back to life by Jesus (Matthew 9, Mark 5, Luke 8)? This same Jairus exhibited qara. He accosted the the Lord for deliverance and understanding. This was the same qara exhibited when Jacob wrestled with the angel of the Lord and the Lord subsequently changed his name to Israel, signifying that he had wrestled with God and with men and had overcome. Jacob was an overcomer. Jairus and Jacob where the same kind of men, albeit at two different stages in their faith. But both were cut from the same spiritual cloth.
This morning when I awoke I felt something impressed on me. It is simply this. I can't pursue understanding for another person. I can't have spoudaza and qara for someone else. I can't want this for you or for anyone else. You have to want this for yourself, for you and your family. I can pray for others. I can serve others in humility and write, pray and speak as directed just like any other member of the Body. But my desire for God's will in your life can't suffice without you having the desire yourself. You have to possess your own measure of spoudaza and qara. The same applies to me. I have to want it for myself.
So in the spirit of Matthew 9:27-30, I am going to point others to the men and the content of their ministries and let others decide how far they want to pursue. To put it in the words of my last General Manager at Sam's Club, "Jay, you can't want this more than your employees. They have to want it for themselves." I am going to do some pointing out and then others are going to have to click on the links that I will provide and then do their own reading. I can't replicate decades of prophetic ministry in one blog post. It's impossible. You have to be willing to take your own personal time and read up on these men.
As we noted in the last post, you need to read the two previous posts on Full Measure and America's Full Measure. If not you may have a harder time following this post. This post is a prophetic overlay of both the doctrine and the statistical foundations we laid in those two previous posts. If you have not read them you need to back up and do so.
As we discussed in the post on Water, biblical scholars and historians tend to group the Old Testament prophets into either the "Major" or "Minor" category due to the length of their books. The "majors prophets" were Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel. All the others were considered "minor." I thought maybe that might be a good benchmark to distinguish the following people in what we are about to discuss. The Lord has entrusted some with more than others in certain areas. Sometimes it has more to do with gifting and calling. Sometimes it's more about simple "character development." In the end it always has to do with both.
As it pertains to the prophetic message of God's judgment towards nations, well, he usually entrusts that message to only two or three people at a time. In our generation, as it pertains to the spiritual activity of the U.S. over the past 25 years or so, I think God has picked his three main guys to "deliver the mail." And along with that I think the Lord has picked several "minor" prophets along the way. I believe God has already prophetically confirmed his message of judgment to the United States through three "majors" and, for the sake of this writing, at least two "minor" prophets in our time. I am going to talk of 5 men whom I believe God has raised up to speak according to our doctrinal foundation that we have just discussed in "Full Measure." Here we go.
Dumitru Duduman
A very powerful man of God who went to be with the Lord in May of 1997. I saw him preach sometime in December of 1995 in Dallas, TX. He prayed over me and my best friend to be delivered from nicotine addiction (myself chewing tobacco, my friend cigarettes.) Tortured by Romanian police for 6 months for smuggling bibles in and out of Russia, he ministered prophetically in the United States from 1984 to 1997. You can read about his testimony Here. You can start reading his prophetic writings Here.
Henry Gruver
I love this man. I, along with the same friend mentioned before, both had an opportunity to meet and travel with Henry to Waco, TX a few months after seeing Dumitru speak. This guy walks in holiness and power. Some of the dreams and visions that Henry had perfectly overlap Dumitru's visions. You can see this same type of prophetic overlap occurring between Micah and Isaiah and later with Jeremiah, Uriah and Ezekiel. God has not changed. He still confirms his word through two or three witnesses. His website is Here. Because Henry does not list all of his dreams and visions on his website, I had to do some additional research. Click Here for his first vision. Click Here for all the others.
Michael Boldea
He is Dumitru Duduman's grandson and former translator. The Lord has used him to pick up where his grandad left off. His testimony is Here. His dreams and visions are Here. I have personally seen him speak twice, once in 1995 and once around 2007. My personal judgment is that he very much knows the Lord and walks closely with him. I do not know him personally but he has a personal testimony that can only stem from a close walk with the Lord. That is my judgment of him. You would do well to read his words of prophecy on the link I provided. In addition to his ministry duties he also continues to help run and direct the orphanage that his grandad started in Botosani, Romania. Hand of Help Ministries also helps to start churches in Romania along with conducting benevolence outreach to those in need.
Efim Gerasemovitch Klubniken
Also referred to as the Boy Prophet. You can read of his story Here. He was instrumental in helping a remnant of Armenians flee to safety in the United States prior to the Armenian Genocide that was conducted at the hands of the Turkish government in 1914. The Muslim Turks slaughtered over a million Armenian Christians. The nature and contents of his sealed prophecy for the United States can be read about Here.
Benjamin Baruch
I first learned of Benjamin less than 2 years ago. I have listened to him enough now that I believe he walks with the Lord. He shows consistent signs of consecration and holiness. Some years ago the Lord gave him an open-eyed vision of the second phase of judgment on America (the wild beasts of Ezekiel 14). You can listen to that vision Here. He has since written the book The Day of the Lord is at Hand.
This is not a comprehensive list of every prophetic ministry that has spoken along these lines. I am sure there are others. But these are the three majors and two of the minors in my judgment. I pass this all along in hopes that it will help to confirm the doctrine and the statistical analysis of what we have discussed in previous posts. I hope this helps you.
In Christ,
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